I'm not fat, I'm FURRY! - Mr. Eggs


Mr. Eggs
is one of the cutest, furriest, friendliest kitties to walk the planet. If you love soft, cute, funny, crazy, adorable, furry kittens and cats then you have come to the right place. Sit back and enjoy the happy warm feeling you will get from looking at pictures of MR. EGGS


Happy New Yearz!

Itz been a while since I've done any computer blogging updatez so I figured we could get caught up with bunchez of picturez :)

Here I am at the vet's office getting weighed.
The lady said I waz a pound overweight. Whatever

Here I am trying to relax on blue blanket but Mia iz all in my space.

I will get in any box, any time, anywhere.

Why iz Mia such a hater?

This iz my second Christmas. I look good under the tree

Look at that! Itz us on a doormat.
Thanx gran-momma!

If you want to go upstairz, you're gonna has to get thru us first!

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